Since the 20th of February 2014 you can enjoy a favorable CO2 balanced beer in Southern Africa. That was the day when the worldwide largest Diesel Photovoltaic Hybrid System has been officially inaugurated at Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) in Windhoek. Besides the Members of board of NBL, the Ministry of Energy of Namibia, representatives of the Chamber of Industry, local entrepreneurs and the media attended the ceremony. Project Developer is the Namibian solar specialist O&L Energy, part of the Ohlthaver & List Group of Companies. Commissioned was the whole project by DHYBRID
Power Systems.
“We are extremely proud to follow the green route and inaugurate the largest rooftop PV plant in Africa in an effort to reduce energy cost and become partly self-sufficient. The 1.1 MW plant will cover up to 34% of the total NBL consumption”, says laudatory Hendrik van der Westhuizen Managing Director of NBL. “The east-west oriented design of the plant was proposed by DHYBRID Power Systems, a German based company, giving a higher output in the mornings and afternoons. Reduces the wind loads and caters for sufficient ventilation during the day, to ensure highest efficiency. The NBL facility offers a case study for other industrial customers looking to reduce their electricity cost, lower their dependence on electric utilities or they are aiming to reduce their carbon foot print.”
“We are very satisfied with our decision to implement the DHYBRID Fuel Reduction System as an additional energy source. Up to now, we have already saved a lot of energy cost in the first 3 Month of test operation from the public grid due to the solar energy we can use directly for our production.” Adds Sven Thieme, executive chairman of NBL.
“The DHYBRID Power Systems Team is very happy to be part of this successful and path breaking project. The cooperation on site was outstanding like the result. All involved parties worked efficiently hand in hand. So we are looking forward to the next projects with O&L Energy”, sums up Benedikt Böhm from DHYBRID Power Systems.

PV | Diesel | Grid
Namibia - one of the world‘s largest
photovoltaic hybrid systems
photovoltaic hybrid systems

System Type
PV | Diesel | Grid
Installation Type
Turn-key installation
Sunshine Hours Windhoek
3,511 hours / year
Size of Plant Diesel
Size of Plant PV
Savings Diesel
liter / year
Savings CO2
kg / year
tons of waste recycled